Our Official Store on SHOPEE and LAZADA ➤ Safe Shopping ✈ Fast Delivery

100% Genuine. Imported from UK and USA.
4.9/5★ Store Ratings (1800+ Reviews)(Oct2020)
92% 5★ Ratings (800+ Reviews)(Oct2020)

How to Order

ONLINE ORDER: PAYMENT BY CREDIT CARD / PAYPAL (Local & International Customers)

► Step 1 - Select the item(s) you wish to order and click on "ADD TO CART".
► Step 2 - Once you are done shopping, click on "VIEW CART" to view your shopping list.
► Step 3 - Select delivery location.
► Step 4 - Click on "PROCEED TO CHECKOUT"
► Step 5 - Click on "PAYPAL CHECKOUT" Icon, and proceed with payment using your PayPal account or Credit Card.
► Step 6 - In the PayPal page, you would be required to input in the recipient's name and delivery address.
► Step 7 - You will then received a confirmation payment email from PayPal. No further actions needed.

  Once your order has been shipped out, a tracking number will be provided via email for your reference.


► Step 1 - Select the item(s) you wish to order and click on "ADD TO CART".
► Step 2 - Once you are done shopping, click on "VIEW CART" to view your shopping list.
► Step 3 - Select delivery location.
► Step 4 - Click on "PROCEED TO CHECKOUT"
► Step 5 - Provide delivery details: Recipient's name, Address and Contact Number.
► Step 6 - Click on "PLACE MY ORDER"
► Step 7 - You will then received a confirmation payment email on payment instructions together with our bank details.
► Step 8 - Kindly proceed to make payment (online transfer/direct deposit) to our Maybank account.
► Step 9 - Please notify us either through Email or SMS once full payment has been made.

  Once your order has been shipped out, a tracking number will be provided via email for your reference.

Sleepzone @ Malaysia Sleep and Snoring Centre

Order Summary Amount
Tax: [%]
Amount Due:

By placing your order, you agree to Sleepzone's Terms of Service.

   Print This Order

After you place your order, you will receive an email notification confirming your order details and containing payment instructions if you are paying by direct deposit or bank transfer. When your payment has been received we will send you another email to confirm that your order will now be processed and advising you of estimated availability and delivery times. Please check your inbox.

Choose Payment Option

Place your order: Direct bank in or online transfer.

Secured checkout using PayPal (Credit/Debit Card)